Damage From Leaks: Whose Insurance Covers the Costs in Strata Units?

Water leakage can be categorized into three types:

Internal flooding due to blocked toilets or drains;
External flooding through damaged roofs or windows;
Slow seepage.

Falling rainwater is the most common source of water leakage in strata units, which means that it should be dealt with utmost care to avoid any damage. Since this type of water leaves no trail making its detection highly challenging, owners are advised to keep a close eye on their roof gutters and check for cracks or holes every once in a while. They must also ensure that there are no loose tiles or broken window panes as well, since these might lead to seepage through the walls causing great losses. Internal flooding usually occurs when toilets get blocked due to build-up of silt over time which results in complete blockage of drainpipes.

When leaks occur, there are four parties involved:

Owners – People who own their unit and have signed a strata title deed with others. They might be called lot owners, flat owners etc depending on what kind of document they hold for buying or occupying that particular property.
Strata manager / committee – These are appointed by all other lot owners in order to oversee common area maintenance including repair works related to water leaks. The committee may also appoint contractors so as to get things done quickly before more damage occurs.
Contractor – Many times there will be no choice but appointing professional help if any major leak damages occur since most insurance policies do not cover the cost of fixing the damage.
Insurance company – If you are buying a strata unit, make sure to check what kind of water damage your insurance policy covers because it is likely that such incidents get covered under “water leaks” section and not all policies will be willing to pay for damages resulting from leakages in common areas like parking spaces or hallways etc.

The Strata Council

The strata council exists in order to take responsibility for the common property in a strata corporation. If there is any water damage, the strata council should take responsibility and repair such damage.

Another option is filing a claim with your building insurance, which can be difficult if you don’t know who to file it against since there might not always be one party responsible for all damages caused by leaks in common areas like parking spaces or hallways etc. If neither of these options work out, then you will have to pay out of pocket and try getting reimbursed from other parties involved later on. This information can be obtained through a strata inspection in Sydney, so that you are well armed with the right information. It’s important that if you do suffer any losses because of water leakage in a strata unit, to keep receipts so that when you are filing an insurance claim, everything won’t go down the drain.

Owner Or Tenant Of An Individual Unit In A Strata Building

Strata owners are also liable for damages if their guests or invitees are involved in an accident because of the premises. Hence if there is any damage within a specific unit, the owner is liable. It’s important that strata insurance policies cover water leakage due to unforeseen circumstances such as pipe bursts. This way you won’t have to worry about having all your belongings ruined by leaks from other units.

The Insurer

The insurer may also be liable to pay the cost of any damages caused by leakages and water damage to the unit’s contents. The insurer should also pay for any damages caused by a pipe burst. This is because this specific kind of water leakage can be considered as an insured peril under most insurance policies.

It is important that the strata council has sufficient cover for a water leakage in strata units, especially if the leak occurred while they were being repaired by a plumber. The council should have more than just cover for costs of repairs to deal with all kinds of damages caused by leaks and burst pipes. It is important that their insurance policy covers damage to contents within each unit as well as any exterior damages such as rendering or paintwork affected by leaking water. Insurance policies of owners and tenants should also cover damages to contents within each so that they can cover any losses they incur in such a situation.

Leaks are expensive, and it’s difficult to determine who pays for the damages. This is a problem that needs to be solved by strata councils before any further damage occurs and why a pre-purchase inspection report in Sydney is vital. If you’re part of a condo or have been asked about your share in repairing leaks from balconies above, talk with your council so they can find out how much money should come from the budget towards leak repairs. It may also be worth considering asking if there are any insurance companies willing to step up and cover some of these costs as well.